Thursday 1 May 2014

Getting back to it

In the two weeks since the Marathon I have mainly been giving my body a long overdue break. I left it about a week before I did my first run and stuck to just 5km (although even that was a struggle!). All the aches and pains that I hadn't felt after the marathon suddenly appeared for that first run back. I was aching for days after. Having taken another few days off training and conscious that the Southend Half Marathon which I'm signed up for is only 6 weeks away, this week I've found my mojo and tried to get back to it. 

Tuesday's run was a little easier that the previous week although it is still slightly stiff, I guess only time will tell. With the marathon glow starting to dim I'm not having to really find the determination to keep up the running. 

My diet is also terrible at the moment and having eaten pretty much everything in sight since marathon day this week it's been back to the healthy eating with plenty of water, fruit and veg to get my fitness back and my body in shape. 

I've been amazed at just how quickly the fitness levels can drop so I'm hoping that I gain them back just as quickly. Only time and hard work will tell! 

One quote I read the day after the marathon and has stuck in my mind over the past few weeks is this...