Wednesday 2 April 2014


I've been tapering my training for about a week now & with 10 days to go I'm starting to feel quite underprepared for the big day!! 

Having followed by plan to the letter for the past 5 months I'm now adding more runs in to give me that confidence that I can do this. It helps mentally that I have run 20 miles & I keep that in the back of my mind but when I'm doing 40-50 minute runs at the moment it doesn't feel enough. 

I'm also really conscious of how I'm feeling in these final days, picking up on any aches & pains. Touch wood, fingers crossed & all that I've been fine & my injuries all happened earlier in my training.
Emotionally I'm drained & I'm physically quite exhausted which worries me for the day.  

I've asked followers on twitter & a lot of people are in the same boat so this really does help. I'm so glad I've had the support of the twitter community to answer questions about the tapering. It's not something I've ever done before so it's good to get advise from fellow runners. 

Sadly some of the people I've 'virtually' had this journey with have had to pull out last minute due to injury. It's such a shame & leaves me feeling quite emotional for them. I know they'll get another chance but on the day I'll be running for all of them too. 

As a first time marathon runner I really have no idea what to expect & now as the day gets closer I've resided to my plan being to enjoy it & use it as an experience. 

I'd love to hear some other fellow runners final week stories...

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