Thursday 10 April 2014

The Big Day

I'm just 2 days away from the end of my 11 month journey from beginner jogger to marathon runner!!
This past week has left me feeling so emotional (having spoken with other marathon runners they are also in the same boat - thank goodness it's not just me!!).

I started this week feeling really un confident & saying things like "I can't do this" "I'm not strong enough"! But in true style my amazing network got me through it with lots of positive thoughts & boosting my fundraising pot. It didn't help that I had more hospitals scans on Monday so was feeling fragile from that & got some unexpected news (more on that in a later post)

Now with 2 days to go I'm only £200 off target and feeling excited and nervous about the Big Day! 
I've done the training so it all relies on my mental strength throughout the race now. I have quite a few wonderful supporters coming along to cheer me through so that is going to be a huge motivation as I pound the streets of London. 

I'm still feeling apprehensive about getting to the start on my own but I've decided it's all part of the experience so I just need to chill out & go with the flow! 

My friend Ness is also running so I've got fingers crossed we can find each other & start together. 

Unfortunately one of my biggest supporters, my mum, is recovering from an emergency operation so won't make it to see me, when I realised this last week, I was devastated & I think that brought on a lot of the emotion but now I've just got to go out there & make her proud! I'll do my best to get on TV so she can see me that way & with the wonders of technology I'll be able to FaceTime her at the end with that medal around my neck! 

If I don't get another chance before Sunday I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has followed by journey, to everyone who has donated to my fundraising & helped two amazing charities, to everyone who is coming along on Sunday to cheer me on and finally thank you to my family, boyfriend & best friends for sticking by me, supporting me, encouraging me & putting up with me over these last few months. Marathon training takes over your life & no one knows more about this than those special people in my life! 

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