Monday 4 September 2017

The Big Day...

I last posted in May about finding Oliver a nursery and today was the big day! 
After two settling sessions last week, which didn't go too badly, Simon took Oliver to start his 5 hour afternoon session. 

Luckily, for me, I was at work so didn't have to witness Oliver gripping to Simon for dear life! I'm almost certain I'd have wrapped him in my arms and carried him off home. However, he did let go and he lasted the full session which is more than we could have ever hoped. 

Mummy on the other had has spent the past week an emotional wreck - something I'm not apologetic for at all and have since learnt is completely normal and natural. 

Putting your child into any form of childcare is daunting, well it is for the majority of mum's I've spoken with. 
For me the biggest issue was handing my little boy over for 5+ hours a day and not really having a clue what he's doing. Is he eating ok? Do they understand when he's asking for a drink in his own unique way? Is he upset? Does he want mummy cuddles? Is he tired? How will he nap with strangers? All questions I've asked myself pretty much every minute of this afternoon. 
And yet somehow we have got through it. 

In the past 2 years, I've frequently wished I had more toddler free time to get stuff done or to mooch around the shops. That was until today when I found myself aimlessly wondering around the aisles of Tesco just wishing the time away. The house is spotless, I'd caught up with work, had a chat to family, then spoke to a dear friend and still the minutes dragged on. Thank goodness he's only going in one day a week for now, what would I do with myself if it was more frequent!!!! And then 5.30pm struck and I practically skipped to the nursery to collect him.  

The images in my mind of Oliver seeing me then running to be with me were quickly erased when the reality that he'd fallen to sleep on one of the assistants and had just woke up screaming kicked in. He saw me yet was so sleepy he clung to the poor lady who had been looking after him. He didn't want to leave them...queue mummy feeling like rubbish! 
Eventually he realised I was there and made me cuddle him the walk back home. He had missed me after all - phew, he does still need me. 
We cuddled on the sofa for a while until he watched Night Garden and had his normal bath then bed. He was shattered and not surprisingly so, he has had quite the day. 

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, stripes and close-up
Enjoying mummy cuddles

This is only ours and Oliver's experience of his first day and something I am constantly banging the drum over recently is that every child is so completely different, and every mother too. 
There is no right or wrong way to deal with any of these life changing moments. The only way is what's right for you and your child. 
So whatever you are feeling about your child going to nursery, pre-school, school or even university, it's OK to be feeling this way. It's also OK for your child to be apprehensive, not all children are desperate to leave the comfort of their familiar surroundings and routines. It doesn't make them any less of a person for being this way - their way! 

All in all I could not be prouder of Oliver today. He is such a creature of habit and he loves a routine so today threw everything he knows in the air and yet he adapted and is still smiling. 

I'm also pretty proud of myself and Simon for bringing him up to be this adaptable and trusting of those we entrust with his care. 

He isn't back at nursery until next Monday so between now and then we will praise him lots about how proud we are of how he has coped and focus on spending quality time with him. 

I'd love to know if your little one has had/or due to have a 1st day this week and how you and they are coping?