Tuesday 10 September 2013


After what feels like months on a diet, I really let myself go over my birthday celebrations, although thankfully I only managed to put on 1lb and a little bit of body fat so overall I was quite pleased. 

With only 5 weeks to go until my friend, Grace's wedding I'm now back on the healthy eating, albeit giving the shakes a miss & just sticking to Special K & less carbs. The running is now in full swing too and with my weekly Tuesday runs with Alex to look forward too it's all keeping me active. 

I was also looking for something else to do to get my body looking toned and I'd heard a lot of people talk about 'Insanity'. It's a 60-day workout developed by Shaun T who says he will 
"...help you find out what happens when you get your mind out of the way and push your body to an intensity level you thought was reserved for elite athletes." 
I've since found out a few friends have tried some of his workouts and not necessarily done the whole 60-days. Well not one to do things by halves I checked it out this morning to see how this might work for me (my mum is also keen to try something new and it's always great to have a fitness buddy so I've also roped her in!). Shaun T acts as your personal trainers throughout the 60-days and according to their website - Beachbody - will push you past your limits with 10 workout discs packed with plyometric drills on top of nonstop intervals of strength, power, resistance, and ab and core training moves. There is no equipment or weights needed & you can do this in the comfort of your own home. Along with your 10 DVDs you also receive a 60 day wall calendar which shows you which workout to do each day, a quick start guide, a nutrition plan and you are able to go online for support along the way. 

The cost is a bit more than I'd normally pay for a fitness regime but it's certainly cheaper than the gym and if you're really keen you can do the workout over and over! 

I'm really excited to get started, although not sure I'll be saying that after a few days. The before shots will be taken tonight & hopefully I'll survive to let you know how I get on & who know's in 60 days time, I might have those long awaited abs! 


  1. Clare, Dan here. Yeah as I mentioned earlier, I did this to the routine set out last winter. It was solid but worth it, stick with it to your limits and you will get better. I found that some of it could be disheartening to not keep up with some routines etc...but never give up. I'm considering doing it again over this winter! Shaun T is an utter fitness genius! x

  2. Thanks for the advise as always Dan! I really can't wait for it to arrive, I'm on a hen weekend this weekend so going to give it a try as off Monday they I can see how it goes with a full week. I know it'll probably kill me but looking forward to seeing the difference it makes. Let me know how you get on with it the second time around. x
