Thursday 12 September 2013

Doing it for Charity

No matter what the charity, it is always fulfilling and rewarding raising money or awareness for a charity - FACT

Last weekend my good friend Sam, abseiled down Essex House in Southend. This was arranged through his employer to raise money for a local charity, The Art Ministry. 
The Art Ministry believes that creative activity is important to the well-being of people in general and especially to those less able or disadvantaged. They provide 5 two hour sessions each week, meeting the needs of adults with visual impairments; mental health problems or physical disabilities, and adults and children with learning difficulties. They also run community projects to encourage a wider audience to engage with our members.
The abseil itself was down Essex House, one of the tallest buildings in South Essex! I went along to cheer Sam & his colleagues on and what a great atmosphere it was. Looking from the road below it certainly was a tall building & worthy of this challenge. 

Sam was first in his group to take to the challenge & I believe took it on with confidence, knowing him, he was probably not as confident as he appeared. All the same, within a few minutes he was sliding down the building and nearing the bottom. 

As I said the atmosphere was great with friends, family & colleagues cheering him on and he was beaming from ear to ear by the time he reached the bottom.
I really believe that doing anything out of your comfort zone is a really worthwhile thing to do but doing it for charity just makes it all the more worthwhile.

Well done Sam & all at Hood Group who took part! 

Donations can still be made via their on-line fundraising page. 

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