Monday 28 October 2013

Let's get this show on the road!

It's been a little while since my last post & I have exciting news! 

I have confirmed my London Marathon 2014 place with Cancer Research UK. I've paid my £100 to secure the place & have it all in writing. That was certainly a daunting few minutes on the phone to the charity confirming it all. 

Now it is done the panic is setting in ever so slightly, I have a huge task ahead of me with the training & the fundraising so it'll be a really busy few months. 

As I previously talked about, I decided to give 10% of the money I raise to Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust so although my target for fundraising is now much higher, I get the satisfaction of running for two charities that I support & are very close to my heart. 

My virgin money giving page is now up online so all donations are being accepted! 
Click the image below to see more & make your donation. PLEASE!!

Make a donation using Virgin Money Giving

I will be doing as many fundraising events over the coming months as I can & I'll make sure I post details on here & my social media pages. 

Now onto the training, well with 24 weeks to go, the training has begun. I'm currently running 5 miles comfortably so improving on that each week & following a training plan which I downloaded from the London Marathon site. The clocks went back this weekend so the nights are drawing in & it's getting dark by 4pm which is going to be really tough to make sure I keep to the schedule & don't make excuses. 
I'm certain I'll stay committed espectially when I see donations coming in & with my goal in the back of my mind all the time, I know I'll be able to do it. 

More to come...  

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