Friday 10 April 2015

A Positive Mind

Those of you who read my blog regularly may recall the health struggles I went through about 18 months ago. I was being treated for cervical abnormalities and due to the amount of treatment I received was told that conceiving a baby naturally would be tough and the chances of giving birth naturally at full term would be even slimmer. 

18 months on and 5 months pregnant I went off to the hospital this week to find out how much of my cervix had recovered and the plan for giving birth to Baby. Simon & I had already settled on the fact that we were lucky enough to conceive so quickly, we would probably be told to have an elective c-section. This wouldn't be so bad, as long as baby is happy and healthy afterall.
For me the hospital trip would just be a formality to confirm this. 

Amazingly my scans have all come back clear and my cervix is in really good shape, the scar tissue has healed and my consultant is really pleased with my progress, they thought this type of recovery would take a lot longer especially with the strain now of a baby. 

They're putting this down to me keeping fit and healthy over the past 18 months, well I did run a marathon!! I'm putting it down to a positive outlook on our part, reflexology on a regular basis, some healing and a lot of luck!

So as long as baby plays ball, I will be able to experience giving birth naturally. Some of you may be thinking 'is she mad?', 'why would you want to?', well I suppose it's one of those times when if something is taken away from you, you feel like you're missing out, now I've been given that opportunity back, I want to experience it! 

(Of course come August and going into labour this could be a completely different story!) 

I wanted to share this firstly to give others in a similar position hope of a positive outlook and to show that if you put your mind to something and you work hard then eventually little miracles do happen! 

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