Friday 27 June 2014

Trying new things

I mentioned in a previous post that I was starting yoga last week. I was cautious as it's not fast paced like my usual exercise and I really didn't know what to expect. I'm not at all flexible but I'd been told by friends to just go at my own pace and see how it went. 

I was a little apprehensive about turning up as I'm not usually one for trying new things and meeting new people. I got there in plenty of time to get my mat and pick a spot, there's always that feeling when attending a course for the first time that you're taking someone else's place. Luckily the ladies who were already there were lovely and told me the best place to go.

Our instructor, Fiona, is a really wonderful lady, so chilled out, exactly as I expected. She put on some quiet background music and began with some gentle movements. With each move she gave us ways to make it harder or easier depending on our flexibility and experience. I was actually really proud of myself for being able to get into a lot more of the positions than I thought I would. 
After an hour Fiona finished with some meditation work which was just amazing, completely zoned me out and made me so relaxed. 

That night I had such a good nights sleep and I've signed up for another class this week.

My next 'first' in recent weeks was a spin class. Simon is a massive fan of spin classes and as I'm constantly complaining that his legs are better than mine I thought I'd give this a go. 

I went along and really just thought it would be pedalling fast on a bike. The instructor Chelsea was great, she made she we were all safely on our bikes before switching on the party lights and turning off the real likes, an odd sort of disco but lots of fun. Also great when you start sweating as no one can see how awful you look.

She started us off slowly and increased and decreased the intensity along with some great music to really motivate and push us. Within 5 minutes I was sweating buckets and looking at the clock wondering when it would end - this was a beginners class!
The whole session was done out of the saddle so needless to say my legs were killing by the end of the 40 minutes. She then finished with a warm down and stretching session which I was really grateful for when I woke up the following morning! 

I loved every moment of the class and felt great after. Again I've signed up to another class next week. 

With all these new experiences, it just goes to show that running really isn't my be all and end all! 

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