Tuesday 17 June 2014

What next?

It's been really difficult thinking of something to write on this blog. 

The running has pretty much run it's course, I can't seem to get back into it. I didn't end up running the Southend Half Marathon, it seemed like too much of a task and I wasn't at all prepared for it. 
I was talking to a colleague at the weekend about why I've stopped running and he suggested I'd reached my challenge so what else. He is so right, my challenge wasn't just the marathon but raising the money for charity so now that's done, it's odd to think about running being motivating. 

I have joined the local gym which I'm going to 2/3 times a week and I've got back into swimming so I'm keeping myself generally fit still. I start a weekly yoga class tomorrow which a friend recommended to help me chill out a little. I'm really looking forward to that. 

On the health front, things are looking up and becoming clearer. I've been back to the hospital for another scan this week and they are keeping a very close eye on me which reassuring. I'll know more about next steps at my next scan in 2 months but in the meantime, I'm trying to eat healthy and keep well. 

I'm wondering what to talk about on this blog next so I'm planning a bit of a revamp. This is going to more of a general musings rather than running, running and more running!! 

Now I need to find a new challenge...

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