Monday 16 March 2015

Hormonal Nightmare

Over the past few weeks my hormones have been a nightmare

I snap at the slightest of things, no one can do right for doing wrong and I'm an emotional wreck! 

When I first became pregnant and read about hormones and all these stories about hormonal mums-to-be I thought 'oh that'll never be me, I could never be that bad' - wrong! I really can be and before you think you won't be either, think about how bad you are with PMT and treble it! 

Given that a lot of the time I have every reason to get snappy, sometimes I wonder if I am just over-reacting. For example, this morning we woke up to no hot water, I had to go to work and leave Simon to deal with it, by lunchtime the agency hadn't sent anyone round or called Simon with a time, Mr Laid-back was quite OK with this, me on the other hand launches into a fit or rage 'it's not on, I need hot water, they need to pull their fingers out'. A very un-happy Clare! 
In my hormonal rage I'm not sure if this is justified or not but it really highlighted to me my very short fuse at the moment. You have all been warned! 

The crying is also an issue, I burst into tears at the drop of a hat and over the slightest thing. I'm not normally an emotional person, well not visibly anyway but pregnancy has put a stop to that. I was crying the whole way through Comic Relief on Friday and when watching One Born Every Minute I was a blubbering mess even though I'd spent the whole episode moaning about how the parents were acting so had no emotional ties with them at all. As soon as that baby popped out I was crying Gazza style! 

Short fuse definitely describes me this week and no doubt for a few weeks to come. Good luck to everyone around me, that's all I can say...

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