Friday 27 February 2015

Second Trimester Heaven

After a very long 3 months of nausea, painful breasts, fatigue, lack of appetite and trying to hide an expanding waistline, I'm now 3 weeks into the second trimester and finally feeling human again. 
The nausea has subsided, I have more energy and I'm so hungry I have to stop myself from eating, don't get me wrong though the painful breasts remain! 

During the first trimester I didn't believe anyone who told me that it'd get easier and I'd be feeling myself soon enough, it just felt like it was never-ending. Now I'm actually on the other side, it's crazy the difference a few weeks makes. My hair is finally less greasy and now 'the secret' is out I can wear whatever clothes I want and not worry too much about my expanding stomach (which is probably smaller than I think but in my head I feel like I'm carrying around a football!). 

I was able to go out at the weekend and be out past 8pm without feeling sick and falling asleep which was a joy and pleased Simon too. We can now finally have a social life back and start planning days out without thinking about the nearest facilities in case I'm unwell or having to make excuses for eating as I couldn't stand the smell or sight of food! 

My family now know what I look like again and I was even able to muster one of my favourite meals last week - mum's home cooked roast!  

Heartburn is my biggest irritant at the moment, oh and my mood swings which I'm sure my family and Simon would agree with. 
My friend Caroline gave me a good tip for heartburn - Love Hearts - so I've been stocking up on those and eating a few after most meals. It absolutely works so even though I've never been a fan, I'd rather that than the constant indigestion.   

Mood swings aren't as bad as I've been led to believe, yet!! Although I'm sure Simon would disagree, the main problem is my short fuse. My colleague and Friend, Gemma can be testament to this. For the most part of this week in the office people have just got on my nerves, no one seems to do their jobs properly and everyone is out to frustrate me. 

Onto the positive, feeling better is a blessing, it means I can look forward to weekends and enjoy time with my friends and family, plus I can enjoy being pregnant. It's such a wonderful time for any women to go through and I'm now going to focus on the positives. 

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