Tuesday 10 February 2015

Your News is Your News

Since Simon & I got our positive pregnancy test we were really clear about how we wanted to tell our immediate family. We asked our friend Kelly to make some plaques for us which announced our news! This is such a lovely keepsake and great for the family to open up. 

Some of our wonderful family receiving the news!

When it came to telling the rest of our friends and family we were certain we wanted to wait until we had our dating scan. A few close friends learnt the news due to my ill health in the first few weeks and I'd like to thank them now for their support especially when I was so tired I could barely function. 
Personally I have found not telling people incredibly difficult especially those friends & family I see on a regular basis. 
What's even harder though is when people start questioning if you are pregnant, it's happened to me on a few occasions and makes me really uncomfortable. This is also true when it comes to celebrities, there is always so many reports of 'is she pregnant?' 'she's wearing a baggy dress' 'she's not had alcohol so must be pregnant'. I now say 'Leave them alone', it's their news'. 
What I'm really clear about since experiencing this for myself is it's my news to tell. I'll tell you when I'm ready and if I've not told you yet there's a reason for that. 

In fairness I didn't realise how important this was until going through it for myself so I apologise now to any friends I may have interrogated in the past. 

I'm clear, your news is your news! It's yours and your partners to tell who and when you want. Don't be shy about lying if you want to keep your secret until you're ready. It's got to be right for you. 

If someone asks feel free to make up a reason for not drinking or you feeling under the weather. It'll all be forgotten and you'll probably get a lot of 'I knew it' comments when you do share you news but that's OK and it'll all be over shadowed by the amazing news you're sharing with them. Just make sure you tell people when it's right for you! 

I'd love to hear how some other parents-to-be told their families and friends?

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