Friday 13 February 2015

A lovely surprise

After another terrible nights sleep and listening to Simon battle a cold at 3am, I got into work feeling a little out of sorts. This mood quickly changed when I was met with an unexpected Amazon package!
One of my lovely neuroscientist colleagues had sent me the gift of two baby books. Trish has spoken to me earlier in the week and after joking that I'd forgotten something and putting it down to 'baby brain' she really has educated me in 'baby brain'. 

The first amazing fact I learnt about baby is that he/she is producing over 3000 neurones per second! Wow, it's no wonder I'm tired with all of that going on in my body. 

This sort of information fascinates me, so many of the books/blogs and apps I've read so far have been about feelings and top level developments in baby, so it's really refreshing to hear about all these little things happening with baby. It doesn't just come with a fully functioning brain, it develops, the way mum reacts creates triggers for baby. So how to we recognise these triggers and set 'good' ones? 

The two books 'Brain rules for baby' & 'The Psychology of Babies' are completely different yet follow the first few months/years of babies life even when still in the womb to talk about raising a happy baby and how you as a parent can influence this. 

I literally couldn't wait to start reading and had to seek help from Alex in which to read first! I'll be keeping you posted on all the facts I'm learning but here's the first one that blew my mind - babies brain is currently pumping out nerve cells at a rate of 8000 per second! 

I'd love to hear if you have any interesting baby facts that aren't readily available. 

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