Sunday 17 November 2013

In the spotlight

Over the past week or so I've been working with a videographer creating a fundraising video. Brian, our work videographer kindly offered to film & produce this when he heard my 'story' during a recent work event. 
It really is amazing how people offer their skills to support me & I'm amazed on a daily basis by just how much support I'm getting. 

Brian recorded a sort of interview with me last Saturday where I basically gave my history & story. Having never been one for the spotlight this was a lot harder than I even imagined. I find it really difficult to articulate my story & feelings in words at the best of times but with a camera in your face it's even more pressure. Luckily Brian is an absolute pro so was able to coach the best out of me & hopefully got some really good quotes. I was also fortunate that my friend Alex joined us for the filming so rather than talking to the camera I directed everything to her, so it was just like having a conversation with a friend, the camera was just in the background. 

With that done Brian suggested he do some B-role filming which will go over my talking. He kindly came down to Essex in the week & recorded me doing normal things like making the tea, chilling on the sofa, then a lot of running along the seafront whilst he drove alongside with his camera in the window (apologies if we held anyone up along the seafront on Tuesday but all for a good cause!!). 

Brian also wanted to capture me walking into the hospital which has become something of a regular haunt for me this year. This was probably where I felt most exposed, and there was me thinking it'd be when I was running along the seafront in the middle of winter in Lycra!!! I guess the hospital when I visit is generally quite a negative place so to be back there wasn't easy and to remain inconspicuous & be filming was just a lot weirder that I imagined. 

Anyway, the filming is all now done & the footage is all in Brian's capable hands. Normally I would dred seeing myself on camera but actually I'm really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. 

As soon as it's all finalised I'll post it on here so look forward to seeing what everything thinks of my big screen debut!! 

Huge thanks to Brian for doing this all for me & to Alex of course for getting me through the filming! 

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