Friday 26 July 2013

Getting the right trainers

I've always just had cheap standard trainers for running and got on ok with them, that was until I started running further & on a regular basis. Then the blisters & painful feet started. I was really struggling to run anything further than 4/5km. 

I was always lost with the colours/brands/styles, as someone who hates making decisions anyway, what do I buy? How will I know they're right? How much do I need to pay for a good pair? 

Then someone recommended a specialist running shop in Westcliff-on-sea, Essex & I have never looked back. I went in there just expecting to pick out another pair of trainers. I was so wrong...

The shop - Runners Edge - is run by a family, one of whom has previously run long distance for Olympics trials so really knew his stuff. He looked & measured up my feet initially then picked out a couple of pairs of trainers for me to try. Straight away the ones he'd chosen were comfortable, stable & supportive. He then asked me to put the most supportive ones on & asked me to jog on the treadmill. I did this for a couple of minutes (from a slow jog to a run speed) whilst he filmed me at foot level behind the treadmill. 

We then watched the footage back together with him showing me in slow motion how I was placing both my feet. He explained I had quite a high arch on my inner foot so would need extra support on this area to prevent injuries in the future. He then asked me to try on some different trainers based on his feedback. 

These were like walking on air, barely feeling like I had anything on my feet. 
I quickly realised that trainers aren't just what they look like but much more how they feel. 
In the back of my mind I was starting to worry that they would also set me back a small fortune, I was wrong, they came in at the small price of £70! A bargain! He also told me they'd last far longer than my other trainers & came with a guarantee. 

This shop is also where I learnt that the reason for blisters is the socks you wear, you must wear running socks, at £5 a pair its a small price to pay for nice feet. 

So I practically skipped out of the shop with my new purchase & couldn't wait to get out on my next run. That night I went out in my new trainers & ended up running further & faster than before. I've not looked back, they really are great & 5 months on, I'm still wearing them & enjoying running in them. 

I would always now go back there in the future & completely trust them to find me something that works for me. 

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