Thursday 25 July 2013

Running Essentials

These are a few running essentials that’s found are key to my running experience over the years. 

Firstly a lose t-shirt, you’re going to get sweaty and anything too clingy is just going to be uncomfortable so make sure you wear something that feels good.
Running trousers/bottoms, I’ve tried running in lose shorts or trousers and it’s just not great, try some capri pants instead. (They also hold in all of your wobbly bits!). 

A hat especially in the sunshine is a must. You can get especially made running caps like the one shown & they really do help to keep you cool. 

And now for my absolute running must-have, running socks. I always used to wear normal cotton socks then wondered why I was getting blisters. When I tried running socks, it really was like a different run. They hold your feet in your trainers so no knocking about, they are firm so no slipping down your foot whilst you’re running and you can get them with different support patches depending on where you need the protection. 

Give them a go! 

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