Monday 12 August 2013


On Saturday I went on a family day trip to France. We've been a number of times over the years & it's always been a great day out. 
My sister's boyfriend Ash had never been for the day trip before so with my party coming up this week, we thought it the perfect time to have a day trip & get some cheap alcohol. 

Unfortunately, as someone who has really bad travel sickness, the journey is always the dreaded part but usually the good day outweighs the nauseous feeling. 

Departing Dover
The day started at the un-sightly hour of 3.45am! We were all bleary eyed for the journey down to Dover and thankfully it was Dad driving and not me! 

Our ferry left at 6.55am and with my sickness bands on, I was ready to take on the day. 

It was a really calm crossing and before we knew it we were docking at Calais. 

We always like to make a real day of it when we go to France so we make the hour long journey down the coast to La Touque. It's a small seaside town with a market on a Saturday and plenty of places to stroll around. I mainly like to go there for the traditional Mussels and chips to be honest! 

Me in La Touque
A stroll along the beach
We arrived in La Touque around 11am (French time) which was perfect, we had a couple of hours wondering around the market, full of fresh seafood, vegatables & looking at all the delicious looking cakes along with devouring some French cuisine. 

After a pleasant walk along the beach, we all packed back into the car for the drive back to Calais. 

British War Memorial
On the way out of La Touque we stopped at a British War Memorial. We were all struck at how quiet and well kept it is. 
At my local church, we are normally lucky to have the grass cut once a year so imagine our surprise when we saw this place with all the graves perfectly cut & cleaned. We spent some time looking around this very reflective place. 

We headed back to Calais stopping of course at Citie Europe to pick up our cheap alcohol (as much as the car boot could hold), plenty of French chocolate & of course some French bread and pate, which we all enjoyed on the crossing home. 

Unfortunately, the homeward journey was a little more rough than I had hoped and my seasickness was in full swing. It didn't help that the ferry seemed to be full of screaming children all coming home from their holidays. 

After over an hour trying to get out of Dover, we arrived home at 11pm! A really long day but well worth it and a great to spend some quality time with my family before my birthday celebrations get into full swing this week. 

Departing Calais as the sun sets

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