Tuesday 20 August 2013

Some highlights

So this weekend was the long awaited 30th birthday celebrations & they certainly lived up to all the hype. I was spoilt rotten & had the best weekend. 

I'm sure I'll post in more detail about it all but just thought I'd share some of my highlights from the weekend. 

It all kicked off on Friday with a quite remarkable work birthday, photos of my face covering the office with balloons & presents, oh & not forgetting the cupcakes with my face on them! Amazing work by Gemma & Alex! 

Then on Saturday it was the C Party for my family & close friends. As posted before everyone had to come as something dressed beginning with C. The party was a huge success & we had all sorts, crab, crocodile, convict, cat, chefs & even a crayon! Not forgetting the winner of the best dressed, my friend Sam who had actually made a cruise liner which he was dressed in! Amazing. 

I went as a champagne bottle & although I didn't get any votes for best dressed, thought I looked pretty good. 

A good time was had by all & it will certainly be a party we'll all remember. So nice seeing all my family too & them all making such an effort for it. Not forgetting the wonderful presents I was treated too. 

On Sunday (my actual birthday) we had breakfast at the arches in Southend & I opened my presents from mum, dad, EJ & Ash. I was completely overwhelmed by some of the amazing gifts with the highlight being a card signed personally by the Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho! And a letter from John Terry wishing me a happy birthday! As a massive Chelsea fan it doesn't get much better than that! 

For the rest of the day it was off to watch Chelsea at Stamford Bridge with my sister. What a brilliant game we saw too, first game of the season, Jose's first game back as manager & the best atmosphere I'm ever experienced at the bridge. Just amazing. Another highlight was a birthday message for me in the big screen at half time which was pretty cool. 

With such a memorable weekend its hard to pick one stand out memory but one of my favourite things was my youngest cousin, Amelia, deciding that despite her dad being a Man United fan and her mum an Arsenal fan, she is going to follow in mine & my sisters footsteps & support Chelsea! She was even singing the song at my party. Needless to say we've now got her a little Chelsea t-shirt to kick start her support. One day maybe she'll be joining us at the bridge & cheering in the blues.

Thank you to everyone involved in making my birthday so brilliant & for all the messages, cards and gifts. The celebrations don't end until this Saturday when we have geek night with my friends. That should be a messy one! More to come on that! 

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