Monday 5 August 2013


Note - This is one of those soppy posts! 

Today has been one of those bad days, waking up all positive, setting up my office from home & cracking on with work, then a few hours later the post lady arrives delivering another dreaded letter from the hospital. 

The letter brings not such good news once again, I'm still getting my head around it so will write about that another time. Instead, I'm focusing on the positive.  

What was highlighted to me after opening the letter is who, apart from my amazing Mum, Dad & Sister, I turn too when I need support. 

Those lucky people are my very dear friends Sam & Caroline. I've known Sam since junior school and his now wife & I have been friends for many years. These two amazing friends are the first to text me when they know I have the hospital, first to support me when bad news arrives and first to cheer me up when the time is just right.

Today their support & love was no different to any other. I knew that as soon as I reached out to them they'd be here for me, always with wise words & the perfect support whether it be a big hug, getting drunk or just a listening ear. 
Both offering their unique friendships which I'm so lucky to have. 

It's funny when people use that line 'you learn who your friends are' when you're going through a tough time. It's true and I've certainly learnt who I can just be me with & but I'm also fortunate enough to have already known. 

Friendship is simple for me, I'll be there when you need someone, you are there when I need someone. That goes for the good times as well as the bad. 

Sam, Me & Caroline - an old photo but weirdly the only one I have of us all! 

I have some really wonderful friends who have supported me through this troubling time & I can't thank them all enough. 

And to Sam & Caroline, you really are the best. 

Caroline sent me these, very true words, today
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
She couldn't have picked anything more perfect to say & that's why I'm so lucky to call them true friends. 

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