Thursday 1 August 2013

The Perfect Body

I've been on a diet for the past 5 weeks. Myself & my friend Gemma decided to do the Juice Plus Complete diet, this consists of 2 diet shakes per day to replace two meals, a 600 calorie meal & fruit or veg for snacks. Oh and the small matter of 2 litres of water per day! 

Both of us have naturally had our good & bad days but I think we're looking really good on it. I know we've both lost weight & with the exercise we're doing as well have really toned up. 

The water element, although sometimes a hard task to consume, has really made me feel good, its helped my digestion, my skin & I'm sure so much more. It's also aided my running, I have far less stitches which I was really suffering with previously so that's a massive bonus. Even after the diet has finished this is something I'll continue. 

So in the quest to get that longed for 'Perfect Body', my latest problem is I'm losing a lot of weight from my upper body and actually starting to look a little scrawny. I'm a runner so all of my exercise has been on my lower body - which is where I wanted to lose the weight & is coming along slowly - but it seems to be falling off the top. 
I really didn't need to make my chest any smaller but they've practically vanished! I know every girls worst nightmare! 

The only upper body exercises I do are press ups & sit ups & not even many of those. Gemma & I were talking yesterday & we wondered why this is the case? Does anyone else have a similar situation? How to I get some arm definition back without piling on the pounds? 
This really is baffling! 

For those people starting a diet like this I would absolutely suggest starting with a friend. Both Gemma & I had our individual goals in sight, she is heading off to Ibiza & I have my 30th birthday coming up. Looking back now there is no way I could have kept to it & achieved my goals without her support & reassurance throughout. It's been hard work but with only another 2 weeks to go for my, I'm feeling happier with my figure, confident & excited to wear some different clothes! 

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