Friday 23 August 2013

Injuries cont.

Unfortunately over the last few days my running injury has gotten worst! It initially started as a stress fracture of the right metatarsal a month ago, this seemed to ease off after a weeks rest so I continued running. Now that I'm increasing my distance I'm starting to get excruciating knee pains also in my right leg! 

The pain is so bad that it straight-away stops me from running! It came on after 6 KM earlier this week so I took the rest of my run easier & made sure I rested & iced it when I got home. This seemed to do the trick & with 2 days rest I ventured out again this morning. Sadly after 4KM I was in agony again.

Wondering if anyone reading this can advice? 
I don't want to go back to my doctors again just to be told to rest. I've carried on putting ice on my knee & resting all day. It feels fine when I'm walking its just when I run. 

I really don't want to be injury prone as I enjoy my running so much. 
With only a few months until my half marathon I need to keep up the training so any injury makes a large delay. 

Any suggestions or advise would be really useful. 

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